Hey! This rocks.
This is awesome, makes me want to play some retro games
Hey! This rocks.
This is awesome, makes me want to play some retro games
Nice beat.
This thing has potential... What program do U use? Its good stuff.
I use FL Studio 8 XXL (:
Really cool
It was awesome at the beggining, U just kind of expect more after that intro. Maybe come up with more ntricate melodies but this is really cool actually. You have an awesome switchbeat in there and everything. Yay!
This thing has awesome beats. But do U make em from scratch? Its a good song.
I gues you wonder if i made them myself aye, if you mean by scratch, without inserting loops etc, i did yes, all with loose sounds such as Kick, Clap, Hi-hat etc.
Hope you liked it after all ;D
Woah! I like this
This has awesome melodies, It might be a little stale in the sounds though. Just keep working at getting better sounds maybe. Unless your using garage band or something. But this is good and creative. way2go
I'm using the default Sytrus instruments that came with FL, for the record
This is the craziest awsomest coolest bestest greatest wonderfullest amazingest pwnerificest estest song I've heard in a long time.... how do you get such crazy awsome beats????? Can't wait for your next song.
not bad.
You didn't do to bad on this, if the voice had been on time it would have been a whole lot better but good! well done.
Thanks! And thank you for taking the time to listen i appreciate it!
Good rave song!
Wow! I like the lengh of this song and how many different parts it has. A seuggestion would be to get some "harder sounding" saws in there, the ones you have are pretty good though you should also turn up the drums a bit, but I like the softer feel. Nice by all means...9/10 review, 5 score.
I hate saw synths. Just my opinion. I don't like the fuzzy sounding stuff. Your probably right about the drums. I've tried to raise them up at the beginning of the song, but any more than distortion would have set in. I could have added the noise gate plugin and high shelf filter but when I was making this song I wasn't thinking about that option. Oh well thanks for the review. Bye for now
This was pretty good but I must point out a few errors with it... first off, you had a wrong note! that may have been intentional, but personally I don't like it. I really like it when the main melody stops and the beats and bass are going, great, but the rest was a little messed.
The second thing you didn't quite get down was how long it took to build up to the main part with everything goiing. It seemed like you would reach it... then you didn't... then it seemed like you would again... but you didn't.
Good work though hope to be hearing more from you if you wanna hear how popcorn sounds check mine out
Yay, review lol!
I had a little trouble with the notes because I wasn't quite sure what they were. I tried searching for them but I couldn't find them so I tried mimicing them instead (tried lol).
I'm not quite sure what you mean by not getting to it, perhaps because it took so long for me to let the hats come in and getting to the main clause of the song, so to speak. Ah, well...
Anyway, thank you for your review and your opinion. 8-D
P.S. I will be adding more tunes to the Audio Portal ;)
You are good and this song is a bit random but definatly on the cool side.
Keep upa da good work.
Well, thank god it's on the cool side, to be on 'the otherside' would be a travesty:D
thanks for the review
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Joined on 12/1/06