I've decided that due to extremly insane amounts of mouth spittle, the common occurence of flaling over helplessly, and overly large quantities of energy drink, that I should start going to bed around 7:23. Just to get some actual sleep for a change.
And now we are 12 lines down from the word "spittle"... just to be safe.
Buying secret items has never been so hard! But now thanks to the interwebs we have more secret items than ever to buy! How are we supposed to chose. I think we should buy secret items only if they're
green, red, blue, yellow, brown, turqoise, black,
white, pink, orange, gold, silver, bronxe, purple,
magenta, Apricot, Gold, Orange, Silver,
Bittersweet, Gray, Orange, Red, Spring Green,
Black, Green, Orange Yellow, Tan,
Blue, Green Blue, Orchid, Thistle,
Blue Green, Green Yellow, Periwinkle, Turquoise Blue,
Blue Violet, Lemon Yellow, Pine Green, Violet (Purple),
Brick Red, Magenta, Prussian Blue, Violet Blue,
Brown, Mahogany, Red, Violet Red,
Burnt Sienna, Maize, Red Orange, White,
Carnation Pink, Maroon, Red Violet, Yellow,
Cornflower, Melon, Salmon, Yellow Green,
Flesh, Olive Green, Sea Green, Yellow Orange Aquamarine,
Copper, Lavender, Raw Sienna,
Blue Gray, Forest Green, Mulberry, Raw Umber,
Burnt Orange, Goldenrod, Navy blue, Sepia,
Cadet Blue, Indian Red, Plum, Sky Blue Chartreuse, Ultra Blue, Ultra Orange, Ultra Red,
Hot Magenta, Ultra Green, Ultra Pink, Ultra Yellow,
Atomic Tangerine, Hot Magenta, Outrageous Orange, Shocking Pink,
Blizzard Blue, Laser Lemon, Screamin' Green, Wild Watermelon
inch worm, jazzberry jam, mango tango, wild blue yonder
and any mixes of the above colors are acceptable too.